2024, a lot of old chinese people are trying to break and cut my legs, because the old stupid do not know Disabled is Handicap. fucking handicap IDs moneys.......

People Fuck this site - because some people try to claim handicap money? 2025

Mother mom ==== learn free web design on the internet,,, your mother paid for free web,,,.,,, she ain't got it for free ........

No body sign up as Chinese. The Chinese in China are making money in China by selling Chinese from Chinatown in China. The White Lawyer claim every legal right for Chinese to sell Chinese in America, because white people do not want opportunity for anyone. News, no body wanted opportunity. Everybody sign up as Asian. The White Lawyer do not wanted to give up.

Asian Muslim

Always got religion.

The Free Opportunity in this site is Make your Own Comic Book. Lots of people tell me to do something Free. Publication info inside.

About - wai n/a - "No Work" "No Job" Hong Kong

I just started this site this month and it is still in the work. 12-25-2017

(Wai n/a) (wai not available) from New York City. I am supposed to make a living but a lot of people would kill me, because they all believe in being poor. TO KEEP up with something I do sites.

So enjoy the comic hosted on webfreehosting. I did all the writing and drawings. These are sample works. My equipments are a bit low key.

Email: flyflyerclub@gmail.com

OK, I am not working. (2023)

I want a better life. Give me money for free. (I said the same thing like the Chinese, never got me pay.)

Need help, lot of old Chinese people are trying to cut my legs try to offer me a gift of handicap. They say because I celebrate Christmas. (1-11-2024)

Free Comic Stories I created

This site


What people do to a name; history begin

Waila Lam is someone's name. Until it happen... Everybody hate Hong Kong,hate the saying "make it a name". You know no body gets a name for free, someone else name you. You pay tax or something to use it.

This name was on a piece of paper. The Hong Kong believed it is a good name. They put prostitution on the web for the name. They name call the name on the web. They call it condom, ugly, diseases. All kinds of stupid. They make sure the name is stupid because they do not like it.

It came down so good. The Chinese try to sell copyright of the name. Their people actually believe someone own the name. The rule is if you do copyright do not put your name on it. The stupid idiot Chinese try to sell it. This is what people get, if you contact the Hong Kong for anything. The Chinese got so many stupid British name in a fake profile for Waila Lam to pay for. A lot of law firm are so happy giving out money. A lot of money for the Chinese. Over $5 billions. Every day. The British are getting free name payment right now from a lot of poor people.

Sold "Waila Lam" by Hong Kong.
If you contact the Hong Kong, you will be sold.
They do not want you to have a name.
Waila Lam==Sold

"No Work" "No Job" Hong Kong


Credits: design by (Wai n/a), http://wai.atwebpages.com 2017--->2023